Bless Arab Pastors in the Holy Land and your Pastor this Christmas!

Bless Arab Communities

“For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations:  a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.”

(Simeon) Luke 2:30-32

Christmas is Coming

Advent is observed in Christian Orthodox denominations as the season of spiritual preparation for the traditional celebration of the birth of Jesus. It began last Sunday. Christmas preparations have been well underway in the Christian Embassy’s AID department. They have been preparing Christmas cards, food vouchers and toys. Working together with local Arab pastors from churches in Jerusalem, Haifa, Nazareth, and Bethlehem, the distribution of food vouchers will take place in mid-December. The toys will be handed out on Christmas Eve during a festive annual parade in the city of Nazareth.

Please help bring joy to a family in need within the Christian Arab communities.

Please note that…Honest Reporting an Israeli non-profit news group, reports that ‘While Christmas in the Holy Land is a magical experience for the thousands of Christians who visit to celebrate, we must pray that no more attacks on this small community (of Arab Christians) occur and call on the Palestinian leadership to start taking the growing threat toward Christians seriously.’

Did you know… Christmas in Israel is known by its Hebrew name, Hag HaMolad -The Festival of the Birth.

And, for its Christian citizens each year, Israel’s Jewish National Fund provide freshly cut pine trees to be sold at greatly subsidised prices as Christmas trees.

Shabbat Shalom!

Sarah Way

ICEJ Australia National Director

Sarah Way ICEJ Australia National Director
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