Esther’s Lessons For A Hidden Church
The festival of Purim offers a timely opportunity to reflect on the book of Esther and its lessons for us today, especially as we face an alarming rise in antisemitism both in Australia and worldwide.
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The festival of Purim offers a timely opportunity to reflect on the book of Esther and its lessons for us today, especially as we face an alarming rise in antisemitism both in Australia and worldwide.
It was a privilege for me to attend a joint event hosted by the Embassy of the State of Israel and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany. A commemorative plaque was unveiled, celebrating William Cooper’s remarkable courage to protest against the vile atrocities of Kristallnacht.
Although life is fragile and the war is still going on, families cannot live in a state of flux forever. They need stability, for their children to return to school, for work to recommence and life to return to some sort of normality. The resilient and determined families of Kibbutz Be’eri and neighbouring villages are inspiring even greater commitment for us to partner with them in the rebuilding.
Your embassy in Jerusalem for over 40 years.
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