The Season of Redemption

Jewish boy during passover


“So this day shall be to you a memorial” Exodus 12:14

We wish Jewish readers Hag Pesach Sameach! 🍷🫓

The story of the exodus from Egypt will be retold on Monday night as Jewish families sit at the Seder table and celebrate the amazing deliverance of their forefathers from slavery. 

We rejoice that at the beginning of the week we witnessed another deliverance! An unprecedented attack from Iran was prevented from causing a catastrophe when 99% of the aerial threat was neutralised. We are thankful to the LORD of Hosts for answering the tsunami of prayer around the globe that went up throughout that anxious night.

“Passover is the season of the anniversary of Yeshua’s death and resurrection, and the drama of the Exodus foreshadows the drama of the cross. So, we find that great prophetic and redemptive purposes which lay hidden in the original Passover experience were openly fulfilled during that fateful Passover at the first coming of Jesus some 2,000 years ago. But how does the Exodus story relate to his Second Coming?”

Read more of this fascinating teaching by ICEJ’s Senior Spokesman, David Parsons.

We are delighted to partner with Pastor Kyal Cumming and this wonderful initiative to equip Christians to understand and celebrate the Lords appointed Feasts. This rich website is full of great teaching and inspiration…check it out! 

This year Passover will be celebrated amidst tension and financial difficulties. We have the chance to help evacuee families and others who are struggling because of the war.


Give your gift to the ICEJ food coupon Project below. 

Also, this coming week Australia and New Zealand stop to remember our heroes of the First and Second World Wars. In various countries, services will be held at quiet cemeteries where so many lie, including in Israel.


Of particular importance for Israel was the stunning campaign that liberated the Holy Land from the Ottoman Empire and paved the way for the rebirth of the modern State of Israel. The ANZAC’s memory is honoured with a superb museum in Beersheva that tells the story of the events around and into that city and a 100 kilometer trail that retraces and commemorates the route the ANZAC horsemen took when they conquered Beersheba, plus a memorial lookout that views the Beeri area. Sadly, it is the area in which the horrific events of October 7 took place.



QJBD rally for jewish hostages

It is extremely distressing to know that the hostages are still being kept in captivity by Hamas. To ensure we keep this dreadful situation in the public domain, the Queensland Jewish Board of Deputies are holding an event to show the world that we remember these 133 people. 
We look forward to seeing you on Sunday 21 April @10am. Together we can make a meaningful impact. 


Be sure to watch this webinar for an engaging discussion on: Israel & Iran at War. Hosted by ICEJ Vice President & Senior Spokesman David Parsons, with special guest, IDF Maj. (Res.) Elliot Chodoff.

Shabbat Shalom,

Sarah Way

ICEJ Australia National Director

Sarah Way ICEJ Australia National Director
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