A Nation Alone
“For from the top of the rocks I see them; from the hills I watch them. Indeed, a nation that lives alone, and it will not be reckoned among the nations” Numbers 23:9 (NET)
Why do we stand with Israel?
When God placed the above words of blessing into the mouth of the gentile prophet Balaam, they would be fulfilled time and again (see Numbers chapter 22-23). But often the prophetic words were fulfilled in a negative way, as the Jewish people regularly stood alone amidst the nations in which they found themselves. Many times they have been treated as pariahs and moved on as unwelcome ‘outsiders’. Today, we see the nation of Israel standing alone among the nations of the world, as false and misleading accusations are railed against her. The outrageous term of genocide applied to the country on which genocide was perpetrated on October 7, is the same as her detractors hurling the label ‘Nazis’ at Israelis. We see the political criticisms of Israel as a total inversion of moral clarity.
ICEJ therefore, denounces the Hague Court’s Ruling. Read a statement from ICEJ International’s official Spokesperson David Parsons below:
The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem expresses its utter dismay at the ruling of the International Court of Justice in The Hague on Friday (01/26/24) concerning South Africa’s application under the Genocide Treaty against Israel.
The world was shocked and repulsed by the evil atrocities committed by Hamas against innocent Israelis last October 7, and today’s ruling by the International Court of Justice only compounds the shock and pain of that dark day. That the wide majority of justices on the Court would sit calmly at the reading of its rulings on the eve of January 27, set aside by the international community as International Holocaust Remembrance Day, only deepens our disappointment at the world’s betrayal of the Jewish state and people. This decision inverts justice and is built on decades of the United Nations and all its forums becoming the world’s most cunning purveyors of antisemitism. These global institutions were founded with honourable intentions, including to prevent a repeat of the Nazi genocide against the Jews, yet these very forums are now placing Israel in grave danger by giving credence to these outrageous claims it is committing genocide in Gaza.
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness,” warned the Hebrew prophet Isaiah (5:20). Israel is justly defending its citizens from massacres, rapes, mutilations and torture, yet it is now rebuked by the World Court, even while Hamas and other armed Palestinian militias are let completely off the hook. Nonetheless, we trust the Lord God to keep and protect Israel as He has promised (Psalm 121:4; Jeremiah 31:10).
Click the link below to read more about the petition of genocide made against Israel.
Shabbat Shalom,
Sarah Way
ICEJ Australia National Director