International Christian Embassy Jerusalem Australia Official Statement
By ICEJ Australia

The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, Australian Branch, stands with Israel in this dark hour. Along with thousands of Christians from over 90 nations, Australians celebrated the festival of sukkot at the ICEJ’s Feast of Tabernacles 8 day celebration. As an act of solidarity with the residents of the Gazan border communities, 700 participants visited the area just 2 days before the invasion and we grieve for the loss of life from those communities.
We completely condemn the treacherous mass assault by Hamas terrorists on Israeli civilians launched on the high holy day of Simchat Torah. We resolutely stand with the nation and people of Israel in their just cause to vanquish this intolerable threat from their borders, and we mourn with them over the loss of so many innocent lives taken in such a sudden and brutal fashion.

“As the full extent of the carnage wrought by Hamas terrorists emerges, it is clear that this well-planned, Iranian-backed operation was not launched due to grievances over the Israeli ‘occupation’ or any real dangers to the al-Aqsa mosque. Rather, it was driven by the ancient “Spirit of Amalek”, which has always targeted Jewish women and children, and the old and weak and feeble of Israel. So, we rise up to expose and confront this hideous reality and to denounce any attempt to justify these heinous acts of Palestinian bloodlust against the Jewish people and nation,” said ICEJ President Dr. Jürgen Bühler.
ICEJ Australia is committed to standing with Israel in this critical hour through fervent prayer, urgent financial assistance, and public advocacy of Israel’s right and duty to defend its citizens.
Our ICEJ Jerusalem staff have had extensive experience in responding to crisis situations in Israel. They are now working with long-time Israeli partners around the clock assisting setting up evacuation points and delivery of food parcels and medical and trauma needs.
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Photos courtesy of ICEJ International.