By: ICEJ Australia

For Such A Time As This

ICEJ Australia is excited to announce that alongside other Christian Zionist organizations, it had the privilege of participating in an historic and significant event in Australia’s political landscape.

“Perhaps” said Mordecai to his cousin Hadassah, who was now Queen Esther of Persia, “you have come to this position for such a time as this.”

Not long before the 2025 holiday of Purim was celebrated, in which the Book of Esther containing Mordecai’s words is read, those same words were echoed by Andrew Wallace MP in Canberra on 25th February, during the relaunch of the Australia-Israel Allies Caucus, of which he serves as Chair An historic moment at which His Excellency Amir Maimon Ambassador of the State of Israel to Australia was also present and delivered the keynote address. 

Mr Wallace, who also serves as the Deputy Chair of Parliament’s powerful Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, said, “Australia is facing an antisemitism crisis, and it is incumbent upon all Australians – and especially those elected to lead the country – that we stand up, speak up, and show up for Israel and the Jewish people.” He continued, “The world is watching – allies and competitors alike. We must have each other’s backs in the fight against antisemitism. The Australia-Israel Allies Caucus exists for such a time as this, by uniting political leaders in the cause of combatting antisemitism and to advance the Australia-Israel relationship.” 

Mr Wallace’s office also issued a media release stating that, “Political, faith and community leaders have converged at Parliament House as the Australia-Israel Allies Caucus formally relaunched in 2025. Part of a global network of Parliamentarians who support Israel and the Jewish people, the Australia-Israel Allies Caucus has now reached into the nation’s federal and state parliaments in its efforts to advance the Australia-Israel relationship.” 

Since the dark day of October 7, 2023, surging antisemitism in Australia has plunged the Jewish community into shocked disbelief as they grapple with the reality of hostility in a country where they once felt safe and made significant contributions.  It is therefore encouraging that a respected group of Australian politicians have joined this caucus in united commitment to speak out against antisemitism, foster acceptance and tolerance for all Australians, and stand with Israel in Parliament.

ICEJ Australia Board Chairman Mark Mudri, who attended the launch, reminds us that, “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.” (Isaiah 59:19). He encouragingly reported that, “Whilst the nations rage, slander, vilify and condemn our beloved Israel, passionate representatives of many nations assemble to overflowing in Australia’s Federal Parliament to proclaim that the Holy City of Jerusalem and the nation of Israel, divinely placed in the middle of the nations, is cherished, honoured and loved.” 

ICEJ and the KCAC, from Jerusalem to Canberra

The Australia-Israel Allies Caucus is linked with 51 other nations, who together encourage faith-based diplomacy and support for Israel by working with Josh Reinstein, the Director of the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus (KCAC) in Israel. Reinstein also serves as the President of the Israel Allies Foundation (IAF), which is the overarching body coordinating the partnership of the government caucuses worldwide. 

Reinstein has been the Director of the KCAC since an especially historic moment in Israel in January 2004, when the late MK Dr. Yuri Shtern and Benny Elon established the Caucus with seven other Knesset members from a number of different parties, with the goal of strengthening cooperation between Christian leaders and the State of Israel. 

The IAF was created in 2007 to educate, empower, and support the initiatives of a growing worldwide legislator network, which has expanded into the 51 caucuses. The Australian branch of the IAF which was also launched at the Canberra event, will work to achieve change through supporting educational visits to Israel, hosting community events, releasing media statements, fostering change through the legal system, and impacting educational change on the founding of Israel and the Jewish people’s historical and biblical right to the Land. The establishment of the Australia – Israel Allies Caucus is the outworking of the Foundation’s efforts.   

The year before the formation of the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus (KCAC) in Israel, ICEJ Senior Spokesman David Parsons had testified in a subcommittee of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee about Christian support for Israel and the pro-Israel Christian rally that was being organized in The Hague, where a bombed-out egged bus was put on display. That year, 2003, Israel was in the midst of the Second Palestinian Intifada, with waves of suicide bombers and antisemitic protests worldwide badly affecting tourism. Following that discussion, Parsons was invited to a meeting where a group of Knesset members met with some other Israeli officials and Jewish activists to discuss for the first time the possibility of forming a special caucus to reach out to Christians. There were discussions on ways to mobilize more Christian support for Israel and more visitors to Israel.   

At the inaugural meeting, the Caucus members pledged to assist Christian organisations with their local operations and to acquaint fellow MKs with the pro-Israel work of Christians around the world. 

This was a brave move because many Israelis were still apprehensive of Christians. Dr Juergen Buehler, President of the ICEJ, said of the Caucus, “I keep telling people around the world the existence of the Caucus is a miracle of the newborn State of Israel.” Today, the  Knesset Christian Allies Caucus in Israel has evolved to be part of a global network comprising 51 caucuses and 1,500 legislators. 

In 2024, an event was held at the Knesset to mark the 20th-anniversary of the Caucus’ establishment, and it was well attended by many Evangelical Christian leaders from around the world. The attendees heard from Dr. Buehler, who said, “Our anniversary event highlights the incredible political, diplomatic, and financial support for Israel from Bible-believing Christians, and the power of faith-based diplomacy, particularly during wartime. We need to mobilise our churches to go out to the street and show this tiny nation here that there are millions and millions of believers who are standing with the nation of Israel. We need to stop political correctness, and we do need to make a bold confession for the nation of Israel.”  

A Call To Action For All Australians

The mission of the Israel Allies Foundation Australia (IAFA) with a mandate to provide direct support to the Caucus was articulated by Rabbi Isaac Riesenberg, founding Rabbi of Central Shul and Mr John Lockwood Chairman of the Southern Cross Alliance for Israel. Rabbi Isaac expressed his astonishment that the world is not standing with Israel after the evil of October 7 but is instead condemning Israel and turning on the Jewish people: “These months in the aftermath of October 7th have proven to be difficult days for Israel and the Jewish people, with an unprecedented onslaught of anti-Zionism and antisemitism in the media, public arena, and academia. I felt more had to be done, so together with other good people we established the (Australian) IAF”. 

In the subsequent press conference, Mr Wallace noted the importance of Australian State and Federal Parliamentarians coming together to support Israel and the Jewish communities in their respective states and electorates. “It is time for all Australians of good conscience to lay aside opinions and prejudices and act now to form friendships, alliances and corporate agreements for social cohesion in a combined effort to defeat the increase in social destruction”. 

Our cry to all ordinary Australians, and especially Christians and Jews, is to take action together. Now. All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of one candle. 

Mr Wallace added, “Australia and Israel are two pioneering and freedom-loving nations sharing a rich Judaeo-Christian and democratic tradition. From the battlefields of Beersheba to the tech hubs of Tel Aviv and Sydney, Australia has partnered with Israel in the contest for democracy, trade, and invention. We want to celebrate that heritage and nourish a vibrant economic relationship for many years to come.”  

ICEJ Australia wholeheartedly welcomes the establishment of the Caucus in Australia, as supported by the Foundation. We look forward to continuing to support the critical work of its members in advocating for Israel and combatting antisemitism in all its forms. 

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