Family Update: Haifa Home For Holocaust Survivors

Haifa Home Residents Supported By ICEJ

Published by: ICEJ | Written by: Yudit Setz

Life Begins In Haifa Home

For the elderly residents of the ICEJ’s Home for Holocaust survivors in Haifa, we provide a warm and welcoming community that feels more like family than a retirement home. There are always many and varied happenings at the Haifa Home.

Celebrating Life

Birthdays are always special and usually arranged for the resident whose birthday it is, but one of our residents from Ukraine was so excited to celebrate her birthday that she organized a party and invited the staff to come and celebrate with her. It brought her so much joy to arrange the party.  Her excitement for the celebration was evident, but it was her heartfelt words that truly resonated with everyone present.

Reflecting on her journey fleeing from Odessa 2 years ago, Natalia shared her emotional transition: “When I first arrived here, tears were a daily occurrence. Leaving behind my social circles, home and everything I knew was difficult. With my husband having passed away and my son living abroad, I felt utterly alone. But now, I feel like I’ve found a family here. You are my family! I’m grateful every day for the chance to live in this community, for the care I receive, and for the sense of belonging.” 

Visitors Bless The Haifa Home

Lena was deeply moved when she received a gift from some Germans who were part of an ICEJ German group of over 40 people. The group were visiting Israel in a wonderful display of solidarity, and they made a heartwarming visit to the Home, bringing gifts and singing songs to uplift the residents. With tears in her eyes, Lena remarked, “If I hadn’t come to the Haifa Home, I would have never known that Germany has so many Christians who love us.” She added, “Thank you so much German Christians for supporting Israel, for praying for us, helping us, sympathizing with us, and coming to us, even though we are in the middle of a war.” 

The words of Lena are just one example of the profound impact felt by countless residents who were touched by the solidarity of the German group.

Childhood Memories In The Shadow Of The Holocaust

Losing Holocaust Survivors

Sadly our aging survivors are leaving us and a long term and a beloved resident of the Haifa Home, passed away in April 2024 at nearly 101 years old.

Genia Schwartzbert, survived immense loss during the Holocaust, including her parents and separation from her brother, while protecting her younger sister.

After making Aliyah in 1957, she faced more personal tragedies but remained resilient.  Genia cherished her time at the Haifa Home. She was buried in Haifa, surrounded by loved ones.

Holocaust Memorial Day

Holocaust Memorial Day with ICEJ

Amidst the challenges of a Memorial Day overshadowed by war and the troubling rise of antisemitism worldwide, this year’s ceremony unfolded under the weeping skies. Attendees, including Holocaust survivors, soldiers, schoolchildren, MKs, representatives of Haifa, rabbis, and delegates from the embassies of Russia, Romania, Taiwan, and India gathered outside together.  During the ceremony, Yudit Setz addressed the audience with these words:

“Precious Holocaust Survivors, I embrace you on this very difficult day in the name of Christians around the world, who love you and stand with you. In this very difficult time for Israel, here and abroad, nice words at ceremonies without deeds ring empty and have no meaning. ICEJ represents Christians who have echoed the words of Ruth spoken to Naomi. ‘Your people are my people and your God is my God.’ In the nation we stand with you in prayer, in action, fighting against antisemitism, and standing for what is right. You are not alone!”

In the face of adversity, amidst the echoes of history’s darkest chapter, these words instilled a glimmer of hope in a time when Israel feels so alone in the world.

Please partner with the Christian Embassy in our work among Holocaust survivors in Israel by supporting our special elderly care home for them in Haifa.

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