Israel’s Holocaust Memorial Day

Holocaust memorial day haifa home yudit setz ICEJ 2023 sarah way

The ICEJ’s Yudit Setz and a resident of our Haifa Home 

On the evening of the 17th and during the day of the 18th, Israel will turn their hearts to the memory of those who were murdered in the Holocaust. Public ceremonies for Yom HaShoah – Holocaust Day will be held, and a two minute siren will bring the nation to a stop.  To honour the memories of Holocaust Survivors this week, you may like to visit an online exhibition at Yad Veshem.

The ICEJ has continued to demonstrate care for Holocaust Survivors through the Haifa Home by providing a team of volunteers under the coordination and supervision of Yudit Setz. ICEJ’s Homecare based in Jerusalem also has many Holocaust Survivors among the shut-ins who receive nursing assistance. Many are from the Ukraine and like the recently rescued holocaust survivors from the war zone, they struggle with deep anxiety about family members still there and revived traumatic memories of war and hiding from the Nazi invaders.  

Approximately a quarter of Israel’s 165,800 Holocaust Survivors live below the poverty line and many more are suffering from illness and loneliness.

Little time remains for us to reach out and care for the last living witnesses of the great Shoah.


Will you help us show Christian care for those who suffered unspeakably and assist them in living out the rest of their days with dignity and surrounded by love?

Shabbat Shalom,

Sarah Way

ICEJ Australia National Director

Sarah Way ICEJ Australia National Director
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