The Responsibility of God’s Chosen People

The Prayers of God's People

“Let my prayer be set before You as incense.” Psalm 141:2

“…golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.” Revelation 5:8

Just how seriously God looks on how, and by whom, incense is offered, is shown in this week’s Torah Portion. As the Israelites set out on their wilderness journey a serious challenge was mounted against the leadership of Moses and the Priesthood of Aaron. To test the authority of God’s choice of Aaron, the rebellious clan was told to present incense before the LORD. His judgement was swift and dramatic against the 250 men who were undertaking something that was the privilege of the set apart priesthood only. The event not only confirmed that God chooses who He will for different roles, but that the incense offering which was part of the priestly rituals was to be offered in a manner stipulated by God.

It served as an important picture of how we should present our prayers to a holy God. As a set apart people, in fact a royal priesthood, we have the responsibility to not only consistently offer prayer to the LORD but approach Him in a worthy manner.

Prayer has become even more of a priority for ICEJ and supporters since Israel was thrust into a deadly conflict, as we uphold the nation before God.

Landmark Dates

Yesterday, 4th July was the anniversary of the daring and courageous raid in 1976 to rescue 102 mainly Israeli hostages from Entebbe to where their hijacked plane had been diverted by Palestinian and German terrorists.

Today, July 5, 1950, is the date that the Knesset passed the Law of Return, granting every Jew in the world the right to settle in Israel. The prophetic promises embodied in law! Israel has been receiving her children back home ever since. Since 1980, ICEJ has been part of the prophecies.

Click below to see what ICEJ Aliyah is all about.

University Antisemitism

A bill to establish a commission of inquiry into university campus antisemitism has been debated in parliament. We encourage you to take some time to watch the following speeches from Senators Henderson, Cash, O’Neill & Lambie in the Australian Parliament.

Contact our office for addresses and a template to thank these senators for their support of the Jewish people at

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