Christian Embassy Nature Park

By ICEJ staff

ANZAC Memorial Israel Be'eri Forest ICEJ Christian Embassy Nature Park 2023

Not many visitors to Israel know that there is an ANZAC Memorial in the western Negev as part of the Be’eri Forest. This nature park is truly one of the most popular natural spaces in Israel. Scores of Israelis come to this forest to hike, bike, picnic and just enjoy getting out in nature, and they especially flock here in winter to see the bright carpets of red anemones which blossom during the rainy season. Many also visit the ANZAC Memorial, which is an important site in the story of modern Israel’s national rebirth.

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The ANZAC memorial is Be’eri Forest

However, this special corner of the Be’eri Forest has been heavily burned and damaged over recent years by fire kites and balloons launched by arsonists in nearby Gaza.

Yet now, the ICEJ has an exciting opportunity to replant and restore this area and make it more beautiful than ever. We are revitalizing this forest in partnership with Keren Kayemeth Leisrael/Jewish National Fund (KKL/JNF), and the area will be renamed the Christian Embassy Nature Park.

The Be’eri Forest especially needs reviving in the area of the ANZAC Memorial, which marks the spot where mounted New Zealanders took a strategic Turkish position which opened the possibility of taking Beersheva and its important and desperately needed water wells by the Australian Light Horse. That epic charge which took control of the town was the last great cavalry charge in military history and the courage of the riders and their horses opened the way for the liberation of Palestine from the Ottoman Empire.

Nature park israel ICEJ
The severely scorched earth in Be’eri

The victory was so complete that just two days later, on 2nd November 1917, the British government issued the famous Balfour Declaration committing to establish a Jewish national home in Eretz Israel.

Thus, the ANZAC Memorial marks a key moment in modern Israel’s national rebirth. And the ICEJ now has a rare opportunity to help care for the forested area where this historic monument sits

Please join us in helping to replant and restore this special part of the Be’eri Forest. It will beautify nature and demonstrate to Israeli visitors that Christians care about them and their extraordinary land.

flowers trees ICEJ Christian nature park be'eri
The natural beauty of the park.

You can be part of the restoration of this beloved Israeli forest by adopting a plot in square meters for replanting and renewal. For every gift of $AUD90.00, you can adopt 50 square meters of the revived forest. You also will receive a special certificate from ICEJ and KKL/JNF as a sponsor of the restored forest.

Donate today at:

Photos courtesy of ICEJ Australia staff members & ICEJ International.

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