Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

Christmas Greetings ICEJ Australia

“Jesus said, I am the light of the world he that follows me shall not walk in darkness.”

Wishing all of our ICEJ Australian Branch family a happy and holy Christmas.

Whatever people understand about Christmas, displaying lights is the way that most people choose to represent the season. Although they may not realise, the various colours and shapes that brighten suburban streets and city buildings, are indeed a fitting symbol of the traditional celebration of messiah’s birth. Along with this week’s nightly display of Hanukkah candles, the light speaks of that which overcomes darkness, it is a reminder of miracles and new beginnings.

During the Christmas season this December, the ICEJ is taking part in holiday distributions to local Arab Christian families throughout the Holy Land.

Recently, a group of Embassy staff visited Nazareth where they worked with a local church to pack some 450 beautiful gift bags for delivery on Christmas Eve to children from underprivileged Israeli families in Nazareth and Haifa.

In all this holiday season, the ICEJ is funding gift packages for 1,000 children, plus food baskets for 100 Arab Christian families and gift cards for 88 more families in need, from the Galilee down to Jerusalem and Bethlehem.

You can join us in showing love to more deserving Israeli families!

Shabbat Shalom!

Sarah Way

ICEJ Australia National Director

Sarah Way ICEJ Australia National Director
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