Israel Elections & ICEJ Ambassador Event

Israel Elections & ICEJ Ambassador Event

Keep Israel in prayer as a new government is formed. Pray for the Prime Minister – Benjamin Netanyahu according to 1 Kings 3:9

“So, give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?”.

‘No doubt, most Israelis shared a sense of relief that the political impasse which forced the country into five election campaigns in past 43 months has been broken.’ This observation was made by Parsons, ICEJ’s senior spokesman concerning Israel’s elections on the 1st November. 

Israel has a new government with Netanyahu – already Israel’s longest-serving prime minister – back in leadership. As ICEJ has always done regardless of which government has been in power, we have the privilege of praying for him, and the members of his government. 

However, it is also a good time to remind ourselves that Israel, and us, should not “…trust in princes, or in human beings, who cannot deliver!”  But, “blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD their God.” Psalm 146:3 & 5.  Israel has a Higher Power! The Shomer, the Guard or Keeper of Israel, according to Psalm 121:4, does not sleep. He watches continually over His set apart people. 

Israel’s political, societal, and cultural landscape is extremely complex.  Everyday life too has many challenges, and the security situation brings its own tension. And, as David Parsons notes, ‘In assessing the latest election results, it is first worth noting that the nation somehow remained safe and strong and prosperous over the past four years of political stalemate, even though it lacked a stable government with a clear mandate to rule. And we need to be grateful for God’s hand of providence over Israel for that.’

An update on the election results can be seen here: ICEJ Webinar: Results of the Israeli Elections – YouTube

Israeli Ambassador joint event supporting the Jewish Community & Celebrating 105th Anniversary of Beersheba Victory.

ICEJ along with other Christian Zionist organisations in partnership with the Jewish community held a joint meeting of Jews and Christians hosted by the Jewish community in Melbourne. The evening opened with Rabbi Reisenberg enlightening observation “I don’t think there have been this many Christians in a Synagogue for 2,000 years!” The Israeli Ambassador, Amir Maimon. produced a rallying cry for Jews and Christians to work together in a spirit of unity and unconditional love for each other with our common shared values as we see the days getting darker; to take a firm stand for the Judeo-Christian heritage of our nation and against the rising tide of antisemitism within Australia. 

Be encouraged and to view the meeting recording below:

Shabbat Shalom!

Sarah Way

ICEJ Australia National Director

Sarah Way ICEJ Australia National Director
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