Is Israel A Democracy?

Civilian,Protests,In,The,City,Of,Rehovot,Israel,Against,The Israeli Democracy ICEJ 2023

My recent trip to Israel continues to reinforce the great achievements of the young 75 year nation state and its healthy democracy. Immediately after leaving Ben Gurion Airport, one sees major civil transport projects and construction that were not there 5 months previously. International businesses and major economic projects are thriving despite the mass demonstrations throughout the country. This shows that its political centre is healthy, and unseen on this scale elsewhere in the democratic world. Israel should be judged against other democracies.

Contrary to the many critics who contend Israel is a racist state, this nation actually stands as the only real democratic country in the Middle East. You cannot find in any neighbouring states where women can participate in voting, people can freely protest against the government, and the courts are separated powers.

These checks and balances include laws that protect minority rights, freedom of religion, speech, association and the press.

Israel’s history as a democracy is truly unique due to the way this nation deliberately decided to become a democracy…

Click the link to read more about how Israel’s Democracy is a light to the Middle-East.

Shabbat Shalom,

Sarah Way

ICEJ Australia National Director

Sarah Way ICEJ Australia National Director
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