Life at the Haifa Home After October 7

Yudit hugging survivor at Haifa Home for holocaust survivors with ICEJ logo

Beauty Amidst Tragedy

In a recent update Yudit, coordinator of the Haifa Home for Holocaust Survivors, wrote, “life is not the same in our assisted living Home for Holocaust Survivors since the 7th of October. The uncertainty of what will happen, the emotional roller-coaster with the release of only some of the hostages, the daily news of fallen soldiers and the continuing preparation for all possible scenarios of this war in the north, keeps everyone busy and tense.”


She continues, “Since the war, the whole nation has experienced trauma, heightened stress, and depression. In response to this and to support the residents, we have expanded our creative therapy program. Already, we have witnessed symptoms of depression and anxiety alleviated through these art therapy sessions. This month, the sessions focused on Tu B’shvat (the new year of trees). One of the activities was painting almond trees, which are the first trees to blossom during this season. This helped to redirect their attention from the tragedies Israel is facing and the loss of life they have witnessed to the beauty of creation and new life.”

Click to read more about how the Haifa Home for Holocaust survivors is bringing hope and comfort to their residents.

Today is Family Day in Israel, which is celebrated in the schools and kindergartens throughout Israel. Children create art projects and bring photographs of family members to be displayed around the school. This year, grieving Israel has many families torn apart and incomprehensibly, whole families lost, murdered in the most vicious way. Pray for the healing of broken hearts, for the return of all hostages to their loved ones. You can assist these traumatised families nowas well as joining in on the special ministry of caring for Holocaust Survivors with your gift. 

“Comfort, yes comfort My people…” Isaiah 40:1.

To pray with us, scroll down this email to see how you can join our active prayer initiatives. Give to ICEJ Aid as they comfort the hurting people of Israel with need-targeted projects.

“You gave abundant showers, O God; you refreshed your weary inheritance.” Psalm 68:9.

This is the rainy season in Israel when prayers for rain which began at the end of Sukkot are recited daily. And as a new month on the Hebrew calendar begins, so does the Biblical season of the latter rains. Spring flowers are already blooming, beginning the restoration of the land after winter. You can also help in the restoration of a broken land through the Volunteer Mission! See below for details how.

Shabbat Shalom,

Sarah Way

ICEJ Australia National Director

Sarah Way ICEJ Australia National Director
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