Standing On The Rock Of Salvation


“There is a place by Me, and you shall stand on the rock.” Exodus 33:21

There are so many examples throughout the Bible of people “Standing On The Rock Of Salvation”. This Tuesday marks a significant date in both Biblical and later history. The Romans breached the walls of Jerusalem on the 17th day of the Biblical fourth month, prior to the destruction of the Second Temple three weeks later (70AD). A three-week period or mourning begins in the Jewish world to mark this sad time. I earnestly encourage you to read the article “Mercy Triumps Over Judgement

According to tradition, on this day Moses descended from the mountain with the ten commandments written into stone tablets by the Hand of God Himself. A terrible sight greeted him as he watched the Israelites dance around an idol proclaiming the golden calf brought them out of Egypt. It was only 40 days since the awesome encounter with God at Mt Sinai. Moses shattered the tablets and destroyed the golden calf, (Exodus 32 & 33).

The events, the lessons, and the consequences of this were many but one of them is the despair of Moses as he views the dire situation of his people and the threatened abandonment by God there in the wilderness. But Moses, ever the mediator, intercedes on their behalf for mercy and asks to see God’s glory as a reassurance of His continuing Presence. God places Moses in a place of protection while His Presence passes by.

We are witnessing dire times for Israel and for much of the world but there is a place of protection and a solid foundation for us. “In God is my salvation and my glory; The rock of my strength, my refuge, is in God.” Ps 72:7. We have the privilege of interceding, as did Moses on behalf of the people of Israel, and for our own nation. You can do this by joining us at our weekly online prayer meetings.


This issue contains informative reports on our recent AID projects and ICEJ-global activities. In light of Israel’s current conflict with Hamas, be sure to read ICEJ President Dr. Jürgen Bühler’s article on the Concept of a ‘Just War’ where the question of how Christians should approach war is explored.


ICEJ Vice President & Senior Spokesman David Parsons provides rich insight in his Bible Teaching, “‘By My Spirit!’: Restoring the prophetic voice to Israel.” Discover how whenever the Jewish people are being restored to Israel, they must hold a trowel for building in one hand and a sword for defending in the other. The ICEJ continues to provide urgent relief aid to Israelis impacted by the war.


The 4th Biblical month referred to as Tammuz, began 2 weeks ago. The dry season of summer is underway with grapes and summer fruit beginning to ripen. Following the Feast of Weeks a long waiting period began before the arrival of further ‘Appointments with the LORD’. These will lead into a time of preparation and repentance, judgement and finally, the joyous Feast of Tabernacles, the final harvest.

Register below to join us In Person or Online for this years Feast of Tabernacles

Registering for the Feast is only half the journey – you still need to get to Israel!

For assistance with Flights or Travel Insurance from Australia contact our preferred Travel Agent OLIVE TREE TRAVEL

1300 550 830


Be sure to watch our webinar this week online for an engaging Current Affairs discussion. Hosted by ICEJ Vice President & Senior Spokesman, David Parsons with special guest, Avi Bell, Professor of International Law.

Topic: Will the World Court Divide the Land?

Shabbat Shalom,

Sarah Way

ICEJ Australia National Director

Sarah Way ICEJ Australia National Director
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