Special Update! A Divine Week

Isaiah Glory of the Lord in Coastlands ICEJ Sarah Way 2023

What an incredible past week in our Australian Branch! As Jerusalem blew the shofar to begin the Global 24/7 prayer wave – for the new month of Iyar, ICEJ friends all around the globe gathered together to pray for Israel and our Nations in our Rosh Chodesh prayer initiative. During our Australian Watch this past Sunday, we had a powerful time of prophetic prayer over Oceania, and we literally saw answers to prayer in Fiji & Israel.

I’m reminded of the scripture in Isaiah 49:1 “Listen, O coastlands, to Me, and take heed, you peoples from afar!”

We have recently had three Australian team members in Israel, sharing great stories of what God is doing in the Land. Meanwhile, this week two team members flew to Fiji representing our office and joining our ICEJ President & Finland National Director in meetings with Heads of State, Tribal Chiefs, Pastors and Business Leaders.

This week marked Israel’s Memorial Day – Yom Hazikaron – it’s amazing that it fell on the SAME DAY AS ANZAC DAY in Australia! Our countries are forever knitted together through the victory of the charge of our Light Horse Brigade that brought freedom from the ends of the earth to Israel.

Please click the link below ⬇️ to read of Israel’s “Resurrection” – Modern Israel Celebrates Being 75 Years Old!

Australian Delegation to Fiji

Fiji Delegation President Katonivere Juergen Buehler ICEJ 2023

His Excellency, the President Ratu Katonivere received an official visit from our ICEJ President, Dr Jüergen Büehler and his delegation including representatives from our Australian Office at the State House.

Meetings were organised with The President, Prime Minister, two senior ministers and three tribal chiefs, evenings with many pastors and Church events with local community and business entrepreneurs. They discussed the Embassy move, the Feast of Tabernacles & prepared for this November’s Oceania Conference. 📣SAVE the DATE: 16th – 19th November, in Suva Fiji.

It was a week of divine appointments, times of ministry and powerful prayer meetings such as with the Fijian youth PRAYING for AUSTRALIAN YOUTH at Fiji’s Parliament. The ‘ends of the earth’ and the ‘distant isles’ mentioned 26 times in scripture came alive so tangibly for our Australian & Head Office delegations…the Messiah will soon return!

Fiji Delegation President Katonivere Juergen Buehler King Timoci Daniels ICEJ 2023

Our Australian Team (Teri Kempe & Jenny Jensen standing) with The Deputy Prime Minister of Fiji, Mr Bill Gavoka, the King of Fiji Tui Vau Timoci Daniels with ICEJ President Juergen and ICEJ Finland ND Jani Salokangas discussing the Fiji Embassy move to Jerusalem.

The Growing ICEJ Team – Induction & Orientation Day

A wonderful day and evening was held recently for new Operations Team & Advisory Council members.

ICEJ Australia team 2023 Sarah Way

ICEJ Social Media

I encourage you to keep yourself updated on our FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM social media pages.

Please ‘LIKE’ and ‘FOLLOW’ our Facebook page (see image below). Then, save ICEJ as a ‘FAVOURITE’ and click ‘UPDATE’. Doing this will be a tremendous cost saving to the ministry (as Facebook withholds content from your personal pages and charges adverting fees for non-profit businesses to reach you). I know it will encourage & bless you.

It was great to discuss ICEJ Aid projects in the land of Israel with the Leader of Opposition & Deputy Susan Ley.

Shabbat Shalom,

Sarah Way

ICEJ Australia National Director

Sarah Way ICEJ Australia National Director
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