ICEJ Delivers Passover Gifts to Israeli Families in Need

By ICEJ Writer, Edited by Maxine Carlil.

Pesach packing ICEJ 2023

Published on 28.03.2023

Thank you for giving to families in need in Israel!

Passover was recently celebrated in Israel with all its rich significance. Yet for many Jewish families in Israel, this time can also bring worries about whether there will be enough food on the table for the traditional Passover seder meal. ICEJ gave 800 needy Israeli families Pesach gift baskets.

Pesach Packing 2023 ICEJ Aliyah

These gift packages included towels, soaps, gift cards, and other food and household items, and were hand-wrapped with love and care by our ICEJ staff to bless each family.

When the women at one distribution centre were told that many Christians had donated towards the Passover aid project, their faces lit up in surprise. “I am so excited,” one woman exclaimed. “Thank you so much!”

In Kiryat Gat, the ICEJ Aid team met a beautiful group of Ethiopian Jews, no stranger to the afflictions of the ancient Israelites in the Exodus story, as they, too, had faced oppression, hunger and peril when crossing barren deserts to reach Israel. Ten of the 75 family representatives who came to receive the Pesach gifts had made the arduous journey through Sudan to the Promised Land in 1984, a trek which claimed 5,000 Ethiopian Jewish lives.

Pesach hampers 2023 ICEJ Aliyah jannie ethi

Community leader Avraham said how proud he is to be working together with the Christian Embassy and how he always tells others about our work.

Toward the end of the visit, a fragile grandmother beautifully dressed in a pink scarf and green dress carefully walked down the steps with a young man accompanying her to keep her from slipping. Upon stepping down on the floor, she lifted her arms towards the team and softly uttered: “Thank you for coming and blessing us with such gifts of hope.”

These Ethiopian Jewish families were just some of the many Israelis in need that we blessed this Passover with holidays baskets.

Partner with us to help Israeli families in need. Click here to bless families in need.

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