Tidings of Great Joy to All People 🎄

Merry Christmas from ICEJ Looking over Jerusalem


As there will not be an email next Friday, I would like to wish everyone a blessed Christmas season. May you have a joyous time with friends and family as you celebrate Messiah’s first appearing.


Because of Christmas, “…all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God,” Psalm 98:3.

It is interesting to note that the birth of Jesus happened at a time when there was a common language, Greek, throughout much of the world. The Nabateans had extended international trade routes and the Romans had built about 80,000 km of excellent roads throughout the empire. Everything was in place for the good news to be easily spread.

Today, we see the true message of Christmas spread across the world in even the most secular places. Traditions of Christmas Carols, tree decorations, even giving gifts and gathering as a family are rooted in the gift of salvation & redemption in God’s own Son.


Please remember that the terrorist regime of Hamas is not taking a holiday and continue to pray throughout the festive season. Even as we celebrate, our hearts still grieve for 136 hostages left in the terrifying darkness of underground tunnels. We have a number of prayer initiatives and resources on our website. Click below to find out more and get involved!


Senior spokesman for ICEJ David Parsons, reminds us in a recent statement, “that even after suffering such a gruesome killing spree (on October 7), Israel was allowed hardly one day of mourning before the angry, hate-filled mobs hit the streets worldwide. Regrettably, the world is failing the Jews once again. But the nation of Israel will prevail, and it has millions of Christian supporters boldly standing at its side.”

ICEJ continues with important projects of support:

  • Over 17,000 residents of the Eshkol region were evacuated from their homes to temporary housing in hotels and guest houses in Eilat, the Arava, Dead Sea and Jerusalem. A non-profit group connected with the Eshkol Regional Council reached out to the Christian Embassy with a request to help equip classrooms for their children. ICEJ is providing eleven classrooms for displaced Eshkol region families and these classrooms will move with them once they move from their present temporary residence to intermediary housing.


  • All eyes look anxiously to the north where thousands of missiles stand poised for action. More protection for its citizens is urgently needed and the International Christian Embassy is providing it! Click the button below to read more.

Until last night, Hanukkah candles shone with increasing light as an extra candle was added each evening. An 8 day declaration of light! Light which comes from standing against the darkness of evil as the brave Maccabees did. 

Click the link below to read more about the incredible history of this most special holiday of Hanukkah. 


Support Israel’s war effort through 24/7 prayer around the globe!

There are two ways you can connect with the Prayer teams:

1. Daily Global meeting at 1am AEST


2. WEEKLY Australian watch is on 

Tuesdays from 12pm-1am and Wednesdays from 8am-9am

Please join us! Click the link below to join the Zoom meetings, check out our prayer points, and our other prayer initiatives ⬇️


Prayer sessions will run as normal next week: on Tuesday the 19th (12 noon), Wednesday the 20th (8am) and the Daily Global prayer (1am AEST).

Following this, we want to have a period of rest with a more simplified prayer program for Christmas & January. Stay tuned to our website for updated information!

Keep yourself informed with trusted information from our Current Affairs Webinars.

Click below to watch the latest video: ‘Israel’s War of Re-Independence’, hosted by David Parsons ICEJ VP and Spokesperson, featuring Dr. Dan Diker – President of Jerusalem Centre for Public Affairs.

Shabbat Shalom,

Sarah Way

ICEJ Australia National Director

Sarah Way ICEJ Australia National Director
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