An ICEJ Sponsored Flight of 155 Ethiopian Immigrants

From ICEJ HQ, March 31st 2023

News and reports 2023 Ethiopian jews return home aliyah

Thank you for your support for Aliyah – bringing the Jews back home! Here is a recent report.

On March 30th, Israeli officials and ICEJ staff stood ready with welcome home banners, Israeli flags and candy, eagerly awaiting the arrival of 155 Jewish olim (new immigrants) from Ethiopia. The youngest was just four months old, and the oldest was 70 years old.

ICEJ Welcome Ethiopian Olim 2023 Aliyah

Faces glowing with excitement and awe, many olim knelt to kiss the ground as they set their eyes upon the land of Israel for the first time. One man, out of exuberance, raised his arms to the sky and shouted praises to God for bringing him home at last. Women dressed in traditional white smiled shyly as they accepted Israeli flags. Young mothers elegantly carried their babies on their backs as fathers in their nicest suits proudly led their daughters by the hand down the stairs to be welcomed with delicious treats and flags.

ICEJ Welcome Ethiopian Olim 2023 Aliyah

A testament of God’s faithfulness and care, families who have waited for many long years to be reunited with those who came in prior decades can now be together in the land of which they have been dreaming for their entire lives. For the younger generations on the flight, this journey meant meeting relatives for the first time, such as grandparents who could finally embrace their kin in warm hugs.

God is still delivering His people today! As the Hebrew prophets wrote in the book of Zephaniah, “From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia, My worshipers, the daughters of My scattered ones will bring My offering” (Zephaniah 3:10, Tree of Life Version).

ICEJ Welcome Ethiopian Olim 2023 Aliyah

For these newest arrivals, many challenges await as cultural and language barriers must be bridged. Landing at Ben Gurion Airport is the beginning of a journey that can take years before the olim feel fully integrated. Upon arrival, families will go to Aliyah centres across the country.

Thanks to your generous donations and prayers, we at the ICEJ are excited to sponsor Aliyah flights and assist immigrants as they begin new lives.

If you are interested to find out more about the incredible feats of Aliyah aid that ICEJ achieved last year, click this link.

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