Always Looking Forward

Waiting on God

As Israelis continue to endure the tensions of war and the shocking waves of antisemitism, they are counting the days for another reason, one that honours the Biblical calendar God gave them.

“From the day after the Sabbath, the day that you bring the sheaf of wave-offering, you shall keep count until seven full weeks have elapsed: you shall count fifty days until the day after the seventh week.” Leviticus. 23:15-21

The 49 day countdown beginning the second day of Passover, is known as the Counting of the ‘Omer’ – a biblical measure of grain – and is observed today by reciting a short blessing at sunset, the beginning of each new day. It connects the Festival of Freedom (Passover) to the Feast of Weeks, Shavuot, which this year falls on the 12th June. We also know it by its Greek name Pentecost, meaning ‘50th’.

The deliverance from Egypt brought freedom, but freedom without responsibility and boundaries is not true freedom as it can degenerate into lawlessness. Fifty days after the exodus, at Sinai, the ex-slaves received God’s Divine Instructions which gave them both responsibility and boundaries, in order to live holy lives & experience true human flourishing. God said in Leviticus 20:26 “You shall be holy to me; for I the LORD am holy…”. This directive was endorsed for the gentile Believers in 2 Timothy 1:9 “…and called us to a life of holiness as his people.”

The countdown period of 49 days is a spiritual reminder that Passover is only the beginning of a journey. It symbolises freedom from a sinful life, but there is more that God has for His people.

Jesus made several post resurrection appearances to his disciples during the period of the Counting of the Omer, and told his disciples to wait as they would soon have an encounter with God. Their encounter came on the 50th day on which the giving of the Torah was celebrated. God chose that day to pour out the Holy Spirit on the Believers in Jesus. God’s gift of the Holy Spirit enables a life pleasing to Him.

Read more about the significance of the grain harvest in Biblical history below.


Never Again Rally – Brisbane 9th June 1:30pm

Calling all Queensland supporters of Israel – Register to stand against antisemitism and say to the Jewish community, WE CARE!
We have an exciting lineup of speakers planned, including ICEJ Australia’s Youth Ambassador, Moises Vasquez.


ICEJ in Jerusalem declares – ‘Indeed, this will be an incredible time of blessing from God and solidarity with Israel for those Christians who can join us. We already have hosted eight solidarity missions to Israel since the war broke out last October 7 – just two days after we finished celebrating last year’s Feast. So, we know the kind of impact your presence here during Succot will have on the people of Israel, and on your own life as well’.

We don’t want you to miss out on this life-changing, prophetic conference!

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