Earthquake & Israel’s swift response

Israel a light unto the nations ICEJ

Along with other delegations, IDF troops were deployed from Israel to Turkey helping with rescue efforts from the aftermath of the massive earthquake, killing thousands of citizens.

“How blessed is he who considers the helpless; The Lord will deliver him in a day of trouble.”

Psalm 41:1

ICEJ Australia, as do other compassionate people around the world, feels deep sadness for  the people in the earthquake regions of Turkey and Syria. Among the thousands of victims are Christians from Antakya, the modern name for Antioch where followers of the Jesus were first called Christians (Acts 11:26).

Israel was swift to respond to the Turkish authorities request for help. Aid delegations were on the ground the same day and the following day began search and rescue missions while providing medical assistance. A field hospital has been set up as well. Amazingly Israel was ready to provide help to Syria, despite the two countries being in a state of war. Although Syria denies it, Prime Minister Netanyahu revealed that they had received a request from a third party.

Israel has responded to many other disasters in neighbouring and other countries and are usually the first nation to arrive and begin vital assistance. It does not matter how hostile a country may be to them. The Jewish nation is governed by the principle of Tikun Olam,  a term that means ‘repair the world’. It is a concept derived from the Bible and confirmed by renowned Rabbis throughout Jewish history, with values such as compassion and respect for the sanctity of human life and dignity. The spirit of Tikun Olam is behind the amazing benefits that Israel has bequeathed to the world that impact much of our daily lives. 

The New Testament teaches the principle to Gentile believers in Jesus in 2 Timothy 6:18, “Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share with others.” 

Please continue to pray on behalf of the people of Southern Turkey and Northern Syria, many of which are Kurdish-majority communities in both nations. Pray for the recovery of the many thousands who were injured and displaced, for the many more who lost loved ones, for the safety of all those working to provide aid in the wake of this disaster. 

Help Israel respond to this crisis…


Shabbat Shalom,

Sarah Way

ICEJ Australia National Director

Sarah Way ICEJ Australia National Director
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